«If someone in your lineage suffered from problems or diseases, it means that at this moment in life, there is someone in your lineage who can stop it».       


For centuries, information about the important role of the Lineage in human life has been hidden, and ties with the Lineage destroyed.

Because of the broken ties with our ancestors, we have lost a huge power that gives everything: health, wealth, and happiness in family life.

If you are a woman, then it is your duty to reveal the secret of your Lineage and pass it on to your children. Therefore only you will be able to understand where the Power goes from the Lineage to bring it back.

If the field of your lineage is polluted by the vicious deeds and thoughts of ancestors, then it is almost impossible for descendants to live a normal life.

There are only a few cultures in the world where this knowledge has been preserved, one of them is shamanism.

This course has been born as a result of answers to thousands of questions asked by my students over the last 23 years. Its basis is the ancient knowledge of shamanism, respect for ancestors, love in the world around and within, and my personal experience. 

Contrary to the superstitions created around shamanism, you will not need to go to the taiga, kill animals and perform incomprehensible ritual actions. The seminar uses science-proven shamanic knowledge and methods of working with the trance state and our subconscious, and the trance state is the most powerful state of our brain.


If there are situations that hinder your well-being and abundance.

If you observe that with each generation the income of the family decreases. If you have debts or loans.

If there are children with developmental disabilities in your Lineage.

If you are concerned about pain in the spine (it is associated with the tree of the Lineage).

If you have a desire to help your Lineage and gain knowledge that should have been passed on to you by past generations.

Especially acutely this seminar is needed if in your Lineage there are or were: alcoholism, gambling or addiction, poverty, cancer or other diseases, madness, murder, suicide, early death, infertility.

If at the same time in the present Lineage there are more than 2 of these signs, it means that the tree of your Lineage is already ill or even goes to extinction. In these cases, it is imperative to get to the seminar to correct the situation.

This seminar will be interesting both for those who already practice shamanism and for those who have never come into contact with shamanism. What is important is the desire to help the family.


  • We will get the defender of the lineage, having restored contact with the spirit of the lineage.
  • If the communication with ancestors has been lost, the debts of the ancestors have not been satisfied, the family tree dies. For this purpose, a shamanic journey to the ancestors is planned at the seminar, which will also help to understand what forces and purposes the lineage has, where the power of the ancestors was lost and how to awaken it.
  • We will look into the future of the lineage. The purpose of our life is our descendants, what kind of lineage they will inherit, what they will receive after us. Therefore, the seminar will be an opportunity to shape the future that you would like for your descendants to have.
  • At the seminar, we will make a shamanic journey to the spirit of money to stabilize the financial flow in the family.
  • We will perform a shamanic ritual. Through this ritual, you will learn how to cleanse your home and create a family nest (protective space for the family).


seminars in city formatThe 1st stage of the seminar usually takes place in the form of lectures, practices, shamanic rituals in an urban format.
seminars in the places of the PowerAnother and most effective format are seminars in the places of the Power with rituals by the fire.

Watch interview with Aayla on the theme of the seminar

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Spirits brought you here, and it means you are at the threshold of a new phase - disclosing the power of your lineage, super abilities, contact with spirits and understanding your predestination. All this will open to you at Aayla’s next seminar

    Read the collection of articles about the Power of Lineage

    home protection

    Who is the lineage spirit, how to win back its favor of your family, what is the power of lineage? Let’s understand all that together.

    family holidays
    Let’s celebrate family holidays correctly!

    Family holidays are not just a gathering at one table. It is a special ritual.

    The Spirit of the House: How to Become Friends

    From the point of view of shamanism, spirits are souls but they are not as powerful energetically as people are.