The sacred power of shamanistic amulets
Amulets, Shamanism
How to become stronger, richer and happier? Aayla Shaman knows the answer – to get the right amulets and talismans.
shamanistic amulets
Aayla Shaman Will Help You Avoid Conflicts At Work
For business, For career
A friendly team is a key to the success of a company. There is an approved shaman method that allows becoming friends with the spirit of the company!
avoid conflicts
What is the meaning of Shaman Costume? Aayla Shaman explains
We are going to reveal the mystery of the sacred origin of the main feature of the shaman's power.
shaman costume
Autumnal equinox
About life
Autumnal equinox will come on September 23. Aayla shaman will tell you how to celebrate it in order to reveal your talents and find your predestination.
autumn equinox
Aayla Shaman about Shamanic Journey to Places of Power
Are you looking for your predestination? Listen to our advice and make the journey together with the shaman.
place of power
How to Find Your Guardian Spirit?
About life
Is it true that every individual has their own guardian spirit? Will he save you at the worst moment of life? How to appeal to him and where to house?
How to Find Your Guardian Spirit
For family
Who is the lineage spirit, how to win back its favor of your family, what is the power of lineage? Let’s understand all that together.
home protection
What is an amulet?
Amulets, Shamanism
Today we will try to understand what an amulet is, how to make it, where to keep it and what to wear it with.
Nightmares and what to do with them
About life
People often ask shamans: "What should I do with nightmares?"
Secrets of shamanic amulets from Aayla Shaman
Amulets, Shamanism
What are amulets and what are they for